jueves, 16 de abril de 2020



Good morning! 

Today we are going to keep on reviewing. However, remember that on Tuesday we will start with new theory. If you want, you can start doing the cover pages of Natural and Social Science. The contents that we are going to study in Natural Science are related to energy and in Social Science to the Modern Age. 
  • Natural Science: In Natural Science we are going to review what we studied in the 2nd term: The Interaction Function. I want you to answer to the following questions.

  • Social Science: On Tuesday we reviewed the Spanish Coasts, the main reliefs that we find in Spain and the Provincias. Today we are going to review the main Rivers and Mountain ranges of Spain. In order to do so, I have prepared activities in aulaplaneta.   
  • English: In English we are going to keep on practicing for the KET exam. Today we are going to be focused on the part 4 of the reading and writing. You have got exercises in Aulaplaneta in order to practice it. 
  • Arts: Last day we watched a video in which I explained the difference between primary and secondary colors. Today we are going to learn a little bit about Kandinsky and how to recreate one of his masterpieces. This activity is supposed to be done with watercolors. Nevertheless, I know some of you might not have them at home. In the video, I have explained different ways of carrying out the project with different materials (color papers, crayons, watercolors or markers). However, you can use any other type of materials. Please, watch the following video and follow the steps explained. I hope you like it!

 You are going to have two weeks to do this activity (until the 26th of April). You will have to send me photo of your project to my email account.

·         English:  19/04/2020
·         Natural Science: 19/04/2020
·         Social Science: 19/04/2020
·         Arts: 26/04/2020 (You will have to send me a picture to my email account)

Criterios de evaluación
Ciencias Naturales
Conocer los sistemas que participan en la función de interacción
Ciencias Sociales
Identificar y nombrar los principales ríos y sistemas montañosos de España.
Repasar estructuras gramaticales básicas
Conocer las manifestaciones artísticas más significativas que forman parte del patrimonio artístico y cultura

Criterios de calificación
Ciencias Naturales
Las tareas de ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales e inglés entrarán dentro del apartado de “trabajo personal”, que tiene un valor del 20%.
Ciencias Sociales
La tarea de educación artística está englobada dentro del apartado del cuaderno de clase que tiene un valor del 60% de la nota final.

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