martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


·     Natural Science: In Natural Science, we are going to review some of the contents that we have seen. How are we going to do it? Playing!!!! I am going to let you different games so that you can practice! I hope you like the games: 
o   Parts of the ear: There are more parts than the ones that we have studied. However, I think it is a good opportunity to learn a little bit more)
 Here I also let you a video to review the musculoskeletal system:  

·        Social Science: The other day we analyzed the main features of the Islamic Art. Today we are going to analyze the characteristics of the Christian art. We have to distinguish between the Romanic and the Gothic styles. In order to do so, I have prepared a video.

Now, I want you to look at this pictures and decide from which style are them. Do you notice the differences? You need to describe the main characteristics of each one. (Please, write them in you notebook. The title is going to be: Romanic and Gothic Art)

  • English: There is a new activity in aulaplaneta. Instead of practicing grammar, today we are going to practice listening. Bear in mind that you need to raise the volume of your computers in order to hear the audio of the listening. 

Fecha de entrega:

  • Inglés: 26 de Marzo
  • Ciencias Naturales: Se comprobará a la vuelta que dichos ejercicios han sido repasados. No hay que agobiarse con las actividades. Dejo muchos juegos para que podáis repasar poco a poco. Cada día podéis jugar a uno. 
  • Ciencias Sociales: 29 de Marzo

Criterios de evaluación
Ciencias Naturales
Repasar el sistema musculoesqulético
Ciencias Sociales
Aprender las características del gótico y el románico
Identificar información específica y global de un audio.

Criterios de calificación
Ciencias Naturales
Las tareas de ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales entrarán dentro del apartado de “trabajo personal”, más concretamente dentro del apartado de “deberes”, que tiene un valor del 10%.
Ciencias Sociales
La tarea de inglés entrará dentro del apartado “trabajo personal”, más concretamente dentro del apartado de “deberes”, que tiene un valor del 10%.


Natural Science

Exercise 32

1. Ben follows the rules of the road
2. Tom eats lots of fruits and vegetables
3. Sarah wears her helmet and knee pads when she is skateboarding
4. Peter tries to solve problems talking to his friends

Exercise 34

I disagree with all the statements.
  •         We should always have a balanced diet. What we eat and do now, will have an impact on our future health.
  •          Sometimes injuries are unavoidable, we need to do sport in order to stay healthy. Nevertheless, we have to be careful. 
  •          In order to carry out activities in a good way you need to rest. You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours to have enough energy for the day.

(You could have written other statements that are true, it is an open question).

Exercise 35

Yes, watching TV and playing videogames is another way of damaging your health. Technological devices can isolate you from your family and friends. It has been proved that social relationships helps you to feel good and benefits your health.

Social Science

Exercise in the theory

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