Good Morning! How are you?
Today we are going to do our English online
You will find the questions in
Aulaplaneta. There are four parts. In two of them we will practice our
reading skills and in the other two our listening skills.
In order to do the readings, you will need the
following PDF (in aulaplaneta you will only find the questions). Before doing the two first parts (reading and writing part 2/ reading and
writing part 3), you will have to
read the following texts:
We hope everything is clear. If you have any kind of
question, you can send us an email.
See you soon.
Gema & Eva
de evaluación
Comprender conversaciones para poder responder preguntas. Extraer
información global y específica de un audio.
Captar el sentido global y específico de un texto.
Leer y localizar información explícita de un texto.
de calificación
Estos ejercicios están incluidos dentro del apartado "pruebas
escritas", que tiene un valor del 20%.
Fecha de
La fecha límite para realizar la actividad será del día 29/05/2020.
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