jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020



Las asignaturas de música, educación física, religión y valores tienen sus propios blogs. Suben las actividades los lunes. Os dejo a continuación los links:
TODAS LAS ACTIVIDADES SON EVALUABLES. Cuentan para el tercer trimestre.
Good morning! How are you? Let´s go with today´s homework:

Social Science :

In social science I want you to watch the following video. It is about Christopher Columbus. Almost all of you have sent me the project, so almost all the information that appears in the video won´t be new for you.

Now, I want you to read the following information. We are going to learn about the civilizations that Columbus found in America.


Once you have read the information, I want you to imagine you were a Spanish conquistador who found a civilization in the New World. Then, imagine you were an Aztec person meeting a conquistador for the first time (they are invading your territory). Finaly, I want you to describe how you would feel if you were both characters and what you would do.

Spanish Conquistador: ……………………………………………………………….
Aztec person: …………………………………………………………………………...

Once you have done the activity, send me a picture to my email account (eva.ros2@educa.madrid.org)


Today Gema and I have prepared activities in aulaplaneta. We are going to be doing grammar exercises. 

We have also prepared the following song. You will have to fill in the gaps. Once you finish it, you will have to write the following email: 

Happier by Mashmello, una ficha interactiva de mhweng


Last week we did a summary of different aspects of color. Today we are going to do an activity related to complementary colors. Watch the video in order to know how to do it.

Once you have done it, send a picture to my email account (eva.ros2@educa.madrid.org)

·         Social Science: 17/05/2020 (Send a picture to the email account)
·         English:  17/05/2020
·         Arts: 24/05/2020 (Send a picture to the email account)

Criterios de evaluación
Ciencias Sociales
Reconocer la importancia del descubrimiento de América así como los motivos y las consecuencias que tuvo.  
Repasar estructuras gramaticales básicas
Reconocer información específica de una conversación/ canción
Distinguir y trabajar con los colores complementarios.

Criterios de calificación
Ciencias Sociales
La actividad entrará dentro del apartado de trabajo personal que tiene un valor del 60%.
La actividad entrará dentro del apartado de trabajo personal que tiene un valor del 70%.
La actividad entrará dentro del apartado de trabajo personal que tiene un valor del 80%.

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